Digital Labor

Pedro Jardim


Pedro Jardim—a native of São Paulo, Brazil, now based in Berlin—works as a business activator around collaborative live-styles in online and offline community building. He is a co-founder of Agora, Coliga, Apoio, and the Berlin Future Forum. Pedro researches about self-organization and collaboration in online and offline community building, methodologies of facilitation and approaches to combine low risk investment and low barrier of entry to space, community, education and social mobility, fostering cultures of collaboration, sustainability and more distributed society.

Imagine a world without traditional companies—where people come together, where leftovers become resources, where a spare hour becomes babysitting or therapy, where the needs of the world are filled by enterprising people and labor is unchained. CoLiga has the vision to make it possible for anyone to create a local on-demand service company and empower a global community of local service providers. We offer a “platform-as-a-service” that allows people to create local marketplaces that empower individual, small, and medium-sized service companies while enabling cooperatives and more distributed governance.

Platform Showcase: Ecosystem Infrastructure
Sat, November 14
09:30 AM - 10:50 AM
